Bali is known for its delicious and diverse cuisine, which is influenced by a variety of cultures including Indonesian, Chinese, and Indian. Whether you are a foodie looking to sample new flavors or simply want to experience the local culinary scene, Bali has plenty of options to satisfy your taste buds.

From traditional dishes to contemporary fusion fare, the island has a range of local foods to try. In this blog, we will highlight 8 must-try local foods in Bali. From savory grilled meats to sweet and spicy sambals, these dishes are sure to delight your palate and give you a true taste of the island's culinary culture. So, if you are planning a trip to Bali and want to experience the best of its local cuisine, be sure to add these 8 dishes to your culinary itinerary.

1  Babi Guling Ibu Oka

Babi Guling Ibu Oka - Photo by @alvinhunterl
Photo by @alvinhunterl

One of the most favourite dish in Bali - Babi guling or “suckling pig”, is commonly served with a traditional side dish that packs an equally flavourful punch, called lawar, this other local favourite is a blend of long beans, grated coconut, jackfruit, minced meat and a generous dose of herbs and spices. Babi guling has been a staple of Balinese cuisine for longer than islanders can remember. It’s a fixture at Balinese religious and festive occasions, such as coming-of-age tooth-filing ceremonies, weddings, and Galungan – a holiday that commemorates the epic victory of good over evil.

one of their outlet in Jalan Suweta, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali (next to Puri Ubud) - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 10AM - 9PM

Price : Approx IDR 120,000/ 2 pax

Phone +62361976345

2  Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Bu Mangku

Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Bu Mangku - Photo by @sallysetia
Photo by @sallysetia

Another local food you must try when you in Bali is Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Bu Mangku. You will find the atmosphere of Balinese house there. This food is contains of lawar, peanut, sate/satay lilit ( made from fish/chicken) and boiled egg. You should try this local food to make your tummy happy, it is very easy to get to the place, yes, many balinese people know if you mention this place name.

one of their outlet in Jalan Kedewatan, Sayan, Ubud, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 7AM - 5PM

Price : Approx IDR 100,000/ 2 pax

Phone +62361974795

3  Nasi Ayam Bu Oki

Nasi Ayam Bu Oki - Photo by @md206
Photo by @md206

This is the same cuisine served with Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Bu Mangku, both of these two food places are serving delicious meal. Only the district makes it different, if you stay in Nusa Dua area, you can try this food. However, this journey is on your own, you can try both of them too. That will be more fun.

Jalan Siligita no 27, Nusa Dua, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 9AM - 9PM

Price : Approx IDR 100,000 / 2 pax

Phone +62813-5332-2184

4  Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng - Photo by @eatfever
Photo by @eatfever

For you food lover, if you love fish dish, this place is palatable place to try. Here, you can try fresh fish soup. With special ingredients, they make this soup very tasty. This place has many visitors every day, many local or foreign tourist come. Warung Mak Beng is located close to Sanur beach, so, you can go to the beach after have a meal or enjoy the beach then try this tasty soup.

Jalan Hang Tuah, no 45, Sanur, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 9AM - 10PM

Price : Approx IDR 150,000 / 2 pax

Phone +62361282633

5  Sate Plecing Arjuna

Sate Plecing Arjuna - Photo by @kevinhorax
Photo by @kevinhorax

Spicy and savory, is the first impression for this food. For you, who love spicy food you should try this satay. This satay is made from beef or pig and grilled with special sauce to creates temptate aroma and raise your appetite. It also served with plecing sauce (chili sauce). The location is in the town but the place is very busy every day. Most of the connoisseurs is local tourist and even the local people. The most busiest time is in lunch time. Even though this place is always busy, the service is good, no need long time to get your order comes. Sometimes you should to queue for the seat, but it will be paid off with this savory dish.

Jalan Arjuna no 47, Denpasar, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 9AM - 7PM

Price : Approx IDR 75,000 / 2 pax

Phone +62878-6778-9002

6  Nasi Men Weti

Nasi Men Weti - Photo by @depepedia
Photo by @depepedia

If you want to have other experience for breakfast, you can skip your breakfast in your hotel and go to this place. This stall is very busy every day in the breakfast time, local tourist and local citizen will fully this stall for breaky. This stall is serving nasi campur/ rice with mix condiments - chicken, crispy chicken skin, boiled egg, satay lilit and some other vegetables and also chili sauce. This stall is very ordinary, nothing special with the place, very simple chair, even traditional wood chair and some plastic chairs without any table to place your plate, but this atmosphere makes you get very fun dine experience.

Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 7AM - 11AM

Price : Approx IDR / 2 pax

Phone +62853-3850-9922

7  Ayam Betutu Gilimanuk

Ayam Betutu Gilimanuk - Photo by google
Photo by google

This authentic local food of Bali, Ayam betutu is a chicken cooked with various ingredients and grilled in the husk. Basically, betutu is the way how to cook using special Balinese ingredients and commonly use chicken or duck to be cooked. You can have whole chicken or half chicken for your meal, it is served with some condiments, such as peanut, sambal matah and plecing kangkung (kale with plecing chili sauce). This dish is good for your breakfast, lunch or even dinner, so you can have this for your all day dining too. This food is originally from Gilimanuk, western part of Bali, but now you can easily get it in all around Bali.

One of their outlets in Jalan Merdeka no 88, Renon, Denpasar, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 10AM - 10PM

Price : Approx IDR 150,000 / 2 pax

Phone +62361263464

8  Lawar Kambing Mang Raka

Lawar Kambing Mang Raka - Photo by @deliciousbali
Photo by @deliciousbali

Lawar is a dish created from a mixture of vegetables, coconut and minced meat mixed with rich herbs and spices, originating from Bali. For the meat, they usually use pork, beef, lamb or chicken. Here, in Mang Raka, you only can enjoy lamb lawar, this is the most tasty lawar in Gianyar. Lawar kambing Mang Raka, serves lawar with side dishes, satay lilit and lamb curry. This warung is also busy every day.

Jalan Raya Tojan, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali - Google Maps
Opening Hours : 9.30AM - 2PM

Price : Approx IDR 100,000 / 2 pax